Support Hillel

How to Donate

Thank you for considering a financial contribution to support the work of the Metro Chicago Hillel. Your generosity makes a lasting difference in the lives of Jewish students and young adults in Chicago and allows us to continue to create a vibrant Jewish community for our students and young adults.

You can donate to Hillel in one of several ways:

Donate Online

Online donations directly support Metro Chicago Hillel.

To make a One Time or Monthly Donation for MCH, please click here.

To make a tribute in honor or in memory of someone for MCH, please click here.

To make a One Time or Monthly Donation for Base, please click here.

To make a tribute in honor or in memory of someone for Base, please click here.

Donate by Check

To contribute by check, please mail your contributions to:

Metro Chicago Hillel
858 W. Wrightwood Ave. #1
Chicago, IL 60614

Please make checks payable to Metro Chicago Hillel.

Donate by Phone

Please call (312) 829-1595 to donate using a credit card. Credit card gifts can be made as a one-time donation or set up to be a monthly pledge. The donation will appear on your statement as “Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.”

Donor Advisory Fund

If you would like to make a donation through a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), our EIN number is 36-2167761.

Employer Matching Gift Program

Does your employer match gifts? Make your gift to the Metro Chicago Hillel, include the matching gift forms from your employer, and we will handle the processing.


For information on endowment gifts please contact Charles Cohen at (312) 829-1595.