

Sponsorship Opportunties for the 2024 - 2025 Programming Year

 Click the dropdown to learn more about opportunities to sponsor our students and young adults. To sponsor an initiative, please contact our Executive Director, Charles Cohen. We also have options to support our students and young adults with our Amazon Wishlist.

Engagement opportunities ($54/student)

Engagement is the core component for meeting students. Through coffee conversations, campus meet-ups, and events like Bagel Club, we provide low-barrier opportunities for students to connect with our staff and their peers. With a donation of $54, you'll provide engagement for one student this year.

Help Students Get Home Safely ($100/Program)

Metro Chicago Hillel serves more than a dozen campuses throughout Chicagoland and the suburbs. This creates a problem for students who might live a significant distance from the location of Shabbat or other programming. When evening programming ends at Metro Chicago Hillel, we arrange transportation for students with others who are heading in the same general direction. Transportation donations and RideShare gift cards to Uber or Lyft would allow Metro Chicago Hillel to better manage safe transportation for our students.

Sponsor a ​caffeinated student ($180/student)

America "runs on Dunkin"™, but our students are less picky about where their coffee comes from, as long as they're caffeinated. For $180, you can keep a student leader caffeinated for a semester. Why coffee? Typically a student's first meeting with Hillel is over coffee. It's a low-barrier way for students to meet our professionals and all that Hillel has to offer them. 


Metro Chicago Hillel has a limited amount of funds we can use to provide groceries, stipends for rent and food, and other basic needs. With your sponsorship, we could help dozens of additional students and young adults meet their basic needs this year.


By Adopting A Shabbat, you are sponsoring one of the dozens of Shabbatot we provide for students and young adults throughout the year! A generous donation of $36,000 will sponsor all our Shabbatot for the 2024 - 2025 Programming Year.

Safe Spaces ($1,500/location)

In a world where every second counts, the availability of AEDs is a crucial component of emergency response.  An AED is a sophisticated, yet user-friendly device designed to deliver electrical shocks to the heart in the event of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). We would like to purchase five AEDs to cover each of our locations at a cost of $1,500 each which would be $7,500.

SPONSOR High Holiday PROGRAMming ($1,800)

From Rosh Hashanah through Simhat Torah, Metro Chicago Hillel provides religious services, festive meals, learning opportunities, and pastoral care for our students and young adults on campus and at our four Base Chicago locations around Chicago. There is never a charge to participate. Sponsor some or all of the High Holidays at Metro Chicago Hillel ($8,000/year).

Leade​rship Retreat and Training ($3,000/year)

Metro Chicago Hillel provides opportunities throughout the year for leadership training including our signature Leadership Retreat where students and staff join together for a day of exploration and leadership development and our annual Senior Series supporting students as they navigate their last year of college and prepare for the "real world."

Sponsor Community Wellness ($4,000/year)

Metro Chicago Hillel has an ongoing partnership with JCFS Chicago to provide social and support services and educational programming opportunities for the benefit of their students, young adults, and staff. Our partnership with JCFS costs $4,000 per year. JCFS works with our staff to enhance their capacity to identify and respond to the social service and mental health needs of Hillel constituents and the broader community and facilitates referrals to appropriate services. With your gift, you can ensure students have appropriate support services and programming to assist them during a time of heavy transitions.

SPONSOR Passover ($20,000/year)

Metro Chicago Hillel holds as many a a dozen different Passover Seders for students and young adults at MCH and Base Chicago locations around Chicago. We also provide Kosher for Passover meals through out the holiday for students and young adults. There is never a charge to participate. Sponsor some or all of our Passover programming ($20,000/year).

Engagement Staff ($50,000/year)

Engagement is the core component for meeting students. Each staff member can hold relationships with 180 students, according to Hillel Internationals Measuring Excellence guidelines. To help MCH reach 180 new students, consider sponsoring an engagement professional position ($50,000/year).