MCH Alumni Network

MCH Alumni Network

Whether you graduated in 1994 or 2024, the MCH Alumni Network is your home for staying connected!


Calling all MCH Alumni!

Together with a group of former MCH students, we’ve created an Alumni Council so people can stay in touch with each other, and keep with them a small piece of what made Hillel so special. With that in mind we’re hosting our first event: an Alumni Shabbat! Friday, Feb 28, 2025, 6:30 pm @ the first floor of Silverstein Base Lincoln Park.

Click here to Register!

Your college years may have ended but you can still stay involved with Metro Chicago Hillel, as an alum! Alumni play an essential role at Metro Chicago Hillel. Your involvement and support ensure that we can fulfill our mission and invest in our joint Jewish future.

You can use the buttons on the right to subscribe to MCH Updates and Alumni News and support future MCH students as they build community here in Chicago. You can also click to send us your special milestones or simchas (marriage, babies, new jobs?) and photos to share in future alumni newsletters.

Just because you've graduated doesn't mean you leave behind the Jewish community you've created. We're ramping up our efforts to connect alumni after graduation, whether it be cocktail hours at restaurants, cozy Shabbat dinners, or career-specific networking events. We're also looking for alum to serve as resources, mentors, and connectors for students thinking about their futures.

Jewish Career Network - Linkedin for Hillel Alumni!

The Jewish Career Network, powered by Hillel, brings together Jewish college grads of all ages every day. With opportunities for mentoring, sharing industry advice, and getting to know a broader community, this network is meant for you! ​

Sign up for the Jewish Career Network today, and be sure to join the MCH Alumni group! 

Here’s what you’ll get from the Jewish Career Network:

  • Networking with thousands of Jewish community members

  • Job opportunities across a wide range of industries

  • Weekly emails with exclusive career advice and resources from industry leaders

  • Professional schmoozing with people in every industry

  • Connections with others in your city

  • The opportunity to find (or be!) a mentor — including for current Jewish students at UVA!

Once you’re in, you’re in — you can use the directory to search jobs and professionals by company, industry, or location; or you can reach out to other members who have “willing to help” listed for mentorship, specific career advice, or to review your resume.